Saturday, November 17, 2007

Why don't I just warp to school?

Hmm.... I seem to have a lot of high school dreams lately. Repressed teenage years, maybe? In any case, in this one I have my cat Zoe with me in school, and she basically acts like a dog (following me around) and cat (stopping to sniff at every little thing) so as you can imagine, I spent a huge portion of the dream chasing her down.

Ok, so I caught her. Then we went home. It occurred to me that I can save warp points in some kind of device I have (I must be dreaming of the future) - so I thought, why not save a warp point in school and one at home so that I can warp to and fro without spending precious time driving?

But I didn't have a warp point at school, so I went there manually (ie. car) and decided to save a point then and there and warp home. I realized I didn't have my school uniform with me (yeah, weird) so I left and went searching around the house. At that point, I know I was skipping some class as I made a mistake of not bringing my uniform. One of the classes, I'm sure... is English.

So, found my uniform and decided to wait for the next class exactly to warp there. No point warping when the class is in mid-session, is there? So I spent those time watching TV and stuffed a cigarette in my pocket for use later. *LOL*

When the time came for me to warp, I did so... but then... I think the dream must have ended because I don't remember anything after that.